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Third Eye Blind Frontman Teaches Marco Rubio Climate Science

Stephan Jenkins has a message for Marco Rubio: climate change is real, it is caused by human activity and the Republican presidential candidate has no excuse for not understanding the science behind it.

The Third Eye Blind frontman recently sat down with Rolling Stone to discuss his concerns after the recent GOP debate.

"In that three-hour debate, they talked about climate change for three minutes," Jenkins says. Meanwhile, "you have Florida and you have Louisiana, which are literally sinking into the ocean."

"Marco Rubio says, 'I'm not a scientist,'" notes Jenkins, referring to Rubio's infamous remark to GQ in 2012, in response to the question "How old do you think the Earth is?"

Jenkins goes on: "Sen. Rubio, I'm not a scientist either. In my case, I'm a rhythm guitarist. But I did take science in high school. And I'd be embarrassed, as you should be, for not actually understanding what global climate change is, and how it is clearly affected by men. So if I may, I'd just like to explain it to him real quick."

Jenkins then succinctly describes the basic premise of global climate change – how it's happening, and why.

"Now you know," Jenkins tells Rubio after his mini science lecture. "And I'm famous enough to know that somebody in your staff is a Third Eye Blind fan, and that you've been told this shit."

Rubio has said he doesn't believe climate change is cause by humans. "Humans are not responsible for climate change in the way some of these people out there are trying to make us believe, for the following reason: I believe the climate is changing because there’s never been a moment where the climate is not changing," he said on Face the Nation in April. from Music

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